The trail I run every morning
I am serving in an area in Berlin!!!! It is called Glieniche (gleenicka. rhymes with spleen icka), and I live in a really great apartment that seems pretty new, and is cozy, I have a really great bed for anyone who was worried about that. So comfortable, so dont worry, every night at 10 30 I climb into my cozy cozy top bunk and am asleep before my head even hits the pillow. Glieniche is interesting because the neighborhood I live in is a cute little town with houses and apartments. There are little forests that I run through every mornning and walk through every day, and there are lots of cute houses that look really european, but it is also so much like a city, lots of appartments and lots of people and shops in some places. It is kinda like salt lake in that way. there are neighborhoods and then there are streets full of backärai's and shops and people and smokers and buses and stuff like that, like down town.
I love it so much!
I ride the buses and the bahns everyday! I walk places too, but for the most part I take the buses and bahns, you know like the things that go really really fast! that was kinda hard to get used to to rely completely on public transportation, but I am used to it now, and I really really like it!