

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


It was a good week! I loved it! I love every minute of the work! Even though we don't have many people to teach, and not very many people like talking to us, there are many great opportunities to meet new people and share testimony. Its always a surprise when the person standing behind the door doesn't slam it shut when they realize we are from a church! then sometimes we can have a good conversation. 

More of the wall

We went to Tegel on P day, and walked around this beautiful body of water. ein see. it was really pretty, and fun to see one of the many different parts of Germany.

 We also painted pots and planted flowers for our balcony. Everyone else has flowers, we thought we would try to make our apartment look a little more European.

it is beginning to be summer weather aka. HOT. HUMID. STICKY. STUFFY. STINKY. we cruise around on our bikes in the sun a lot a lot and then members invite us in for tea and insist we drink it because it is supposed to help in the hot weather. false. who made up that rule. drink hot drinks when its hot outside?
I always crave ice water. ice doesn't really exist here. bummer!


  1. Haylie!!! Your outfit looks great with the wall:) and your smile in Tegal matches the "beautiful" pot. I love seeing a very small part of your mission. It makes me happy and makes you seem not quite so far away. I am sorry you are hot humid sticky and stuffy. I know you aren't stinky. Too responsible for that. I love you- sweet smelling sister!

  2. Beautiful girl, flower pot, body of water and attitude!

  3. You're so pretty! I wish I could go tegal with you.
